By Halderman 11/02/20

Could COVID-19 Have a Silver Lining as It Relates to Agricultural Land Value?

There is little doubt that the year 2020 presented challenges to the world not seen in recent memory. The COVID-19 pandemic reminded the human population that there exist many factors beyond the...

By Halderman 10/29/20

Don’t Let Farm Income Projections Mislead You

A cursory review of the latest data published by the USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) seems positive: "Net farm income is forecast to increase by almost 23%," says Carrie Litkowski, Senior...

By Halderman 10/21/20

How COVID-19 Has Affected Stores' Stocking Methods

The impact of COVID-19 on store inventory stock has been evolving during the pandemic and many stores found it more difficult to stock for their consumers. Several factors led to new stocking...

By Halderman 09/21/20

Good Reasons to Invest in Farmland in 2020

In 2020, it seems nothing is reliable, consistent or predictable. With everything changing so quickly, how can we feel confident when we're considering an investment? CD rates are very low, the stock...

By Halderman 09/19/20

The Future Of Land Values Webinar

Volatility reigns in most markets – what about farmland? If you are thinking of selling, what’s the right price and the best method? What is a fair rental rate?

By Halderman 09/14/20

Is farmland a good inflation hedge?

One thing that is unchanged during the pandemic is that people need to eat. And in order to eat, farmers have to grow the food and the food delivered to its final destination. It seems intuitive that...

By Howard Halderman 09/07/20

Capital gains tax is always one to watch and monitor during political elections.

Capital gains tax is always one to watch and monitor during political elections and changes in Congress. This fall’s election is one that could serve as a change agent for tax rates, capital gains...

By Halderman 09/07/20

Ethanol Production and Demand Drop and Its Effect on Corn Prices

With over two-thirds of US ethanol plants1 either idle or operating at below capacity due to the impacts of COVID-19, the industry is in dire need of support. At the beginning of the year, sales of...

By Halderman 09/02/20


Halderman Real Estate and Farm Management welcomes Nolan Sampson as Director of Business Development. “Nolan comes to us from the retail agriculture sector and has a wealth of agricultural knowledge...

By Halderman 08/31/20

Why Should Farmland Owners Consider a Solar Lease?

Chances are, if you drive along an interstate highway through an agricultural area for a decent amount of time, you will encounter a solar farm or a sign announcing an upcoming solar farm. You may...